Leonard Kant
Strategic Growth
Category - Entrepreneurship
- Leverage what you already are
- Build things progressively
- Understand the surface level plus one
- Celebrate decisions, not results
- Consistent quality work is possible
- Educate your customers like a school
- Less accountability, more responsibility
- Turn “I don’t know” into your strongest tool
- Sell precisely with the 3+3 framework
- Good branding makes proud employees
- Trust your designer to design
- Create beloved features with two-sided value
- Sell to people at companies, not companies
- Show them the fish; don't just tell them
- Start spending to both make and save money
- Leveraging your people leverages your logo
- Find a second pair of eyes
- You’re facing a problem right now - ask why
- A marketer’s best friend is the CEO
- You want a marketer, not a growth hacker
- Optimize for energy, not just time and cost
- The best workflows are buttery smooth